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0815.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne takes a break from the war near the waterfront in Saigon.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

0817.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Dana Stone with Marines in I Corps on Jan 7, 1967.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: 1/1966

0818.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne in the jungle in Vietnam in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

0820.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne with the 173rd Airborne Division during Operation Yorktown in July 1966.

 173rd Airborne    Series: none
   Date: 7/1966

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Staff. Sgt. Joe Musial hears on the radio that the rest of his company is pinned down by withering fire from North Vietnamese Soldiers (NVA) on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0737.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A Vietnamese girls stands among the ruins of her house on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands. She holds an infant in her arms. Moments later, soldiers from the 1st Cavalary Division in her village were ambushed by North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0821.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Danish television cameraman Ib Heller at work in a village on the Bong Son plain where soldiers from the 1st Cavalry Division were setting fire to the houses.

 1st Cav    Series: Burning village
   Date: 2/1967

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An unidentified staff sergeant from the 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: none
   Date: /

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Pfc. Blair G. (Joe) Furman, 21, of Edmonds, Wash., Bravo Co., 4th Battalion, 31st Infantry Regiment, Americal Division, ducks for cover as a firefight breaks out in the Hiep Duc Valley, 35 miles south of Danang. The valley was the site of some of the fiercest fighting of the war between Americans and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars.

 Americal Division    Series: Hiep Duc Valley
   Date: 8/1969

1002.jpg      • add to lightbox    
The battle in the Hiep Duc Valley, 35 miles south of Danang, was one of the bloodiest of 1969. When it was over, more than 400 Americans were wounded and 80 were dead. The American military said more than 1,000 NVA died. This aerial shot was taken during the height of the battle.

 Americal Division    Series: Hiep Duc Valley
   Date: 8/1969

1001.jpg      • add to lightbox    
The battle in the Hiep Duc Valley, 35 miles south of Danang, was one of the bloodiest of 1969. When it was over, more than 400 Americans were wounded and 80 were dead. The American military said more than 1,000 NVA died. This aerial shot was taken during the height of the battle.

 Americal Division    Series: Hiep Duc Valley
   Date: 8/1969

0014.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A sergeant, wounded in the head, crawls to safety during a firefight in the central lowlands of Vietnam.

 1st Cav    Series: none
   Date: /

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A sergeant and his radio operator (RTO) pause on the side of Chu Pong Mountain in the Ia Drang Valley during the summer of 1966. They were with the 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: none
   Date: /1966

0046.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Two Viet Cong (VC) prisoners (POWs) in the 3rd Field Hospital at Ton Son Nhut Airbase in Saigon on Dec. 13, 1966. The man in the foreground was wounded in a battle with the 25th Infantry Division and captured. The man in the background was a VC captain who was wounded and captured during a raid agains the airbase.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: 12/1966

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Lt. Vick Eckelkamp, 23, of Wichita Falls, Texas, applies fingernail polish to a badly injured Vietnamese girl. The girl had much of her face blown away by shrapnel. She was having plastic surgery at the 3rd Field Hospital in Saigon.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: 255/1966

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An elderly Vietnamese woman and her family cower in a ditch during firefight in Vietnam's central lowlands.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /

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Nguyen Thi Hoai, 26, holds her two-year-old daughter, Lam Thi Tho, while Nguyen Xuan Me stands by as troopers from C Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, set fire to their village, Lieu An, on the Bong Son plain during Operation Pershing. The night before the soldiers had been in a firefight at the village. As the soldiers approached in the morning they tripped mines. Three soldiers were wounded and one was killed.

 1st Cav    Series: Burning village
   Date: 2/1967

0167.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division searched a Viet Cong (VC) base camp and captured this unarmed Viet Cong. Here a South Vietnamese Army translator lights a cigarette for the POW.

 1st Infantry Division    Series: none
   Date: 6/1966

0168.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Soldiers from the 1st Infantry Division searched a Viet Cong (VC) base camp and captured this unarmed Viet Cong who is being led away.

 1st Infantry Division    Series: none
   Date: 6/1966

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A trooper with B Co., 2nd Battalion, 5th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division takes cover during a firefight in the Central Highlands.

 1st Cav    Series: none
   Date: 9/1966

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