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0716.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Soldiers, pinned down by a North Vietnamese ambush, return fire. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldiers were part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0717.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0719.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musial cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0720.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0721.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0722.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0723.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0724.jpg      • add to lightbox    
C:\Documents and Settings\Dad\My Documents\Archive\Thumbnails\0724.jpg

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0725.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Staff. Sgt. Joe Musial, pinned down by North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, looks back at a soldier killed in the opening salve of the ambush. In the background is a seriously wounded soldier. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0726.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical prepares to fire an M-79 grenade at enemy soldiers. He takes cover behind the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0727.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musical prepares to fire an M-79 grenade at enemy soldiers. He takes cover behind the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0728.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A soldier lies dead, killed in a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0729.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A soldier lies dead, killed in a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0730.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right) helps Pvt. Lyle Thomas to cover during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. Thomas was shot in the face. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0731.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right) helps Pvt. Lyle Thomas during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. Thomas was shot in the face. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0732.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right) bandages Pvt. Lyle Thomas during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0733.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right) bandages Pvt. Lyle Thomas during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0734.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne feeds Pvt. Lyle Thomas. Thomas was wounded the afternoon before during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldier was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

0814.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne after nearly drowning in the Mekong Delta in 1966. Photo by Larry Burrows.

 Marines    Series: none
   Date: /1966

0816.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne in the house he shared in the suburbs of Saigon.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1967

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