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0422.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A Marine officer radios in a situation report at the end of fierce fighting for Hill 881 N. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0423.jpg      • add to lightbox    
An exhausted Marine rests after taking Hill 881 N. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0420.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Marine J.K. Johnson stands atop the bombed out face of Hill 881 N. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0426.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Marine J.K. Johnson stands atop the bombed out face of Hill 881 N. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0427.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Marines at the top of Hill 881 N after the hill was captured. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0428.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A Marine pinned down by fire from North Vietnamese troops hidden in spider holes on Hill 881 N. The Hill was one of several strategically imporant hills surrounding Khe Sahn in western Quang Tri Province in Vietnam's I Corps. The fighting between the Marines and North Vietnamese Army (NVA) regulars took place on April 30, 1967. The Marines were from Golf Co., 2nd Battalion, 3rd Marine Regiment, 3rd Marine Division.

 Marines    Series: Hill 881
   Date: 4/1967

0602.jpg      • add to lightbox    
A North Vietnamese Army battalion commander was captured by 1st Cavalry Div. (1st Cav.) soldiers during a 1967 firefight in Vietnam's central highlands. That night the POW escaped.

 1st Cav    Series: none
   Date: /1967

0718.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Under withering North Vietnamese Army (NVA) fire, Staff Sgt. Joe Musial cuts M-79 grenade ammunition off the body of a soldier killed in the opening salvo of an ambush.The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. Musial, known to all as Sgt. Rock, was part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

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Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne takes pictures of Staff Sgt. Joe Musial during a North Vietnamese Army (NVA) ambush. Musial is taking cover behind a dead American soldier. The fight took place on the Bong Son plain of Vietnam's central lowlands on Feb. 14, 1967. The soldiers were part of D Co., 1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division. Photo by Dana Stone.

 1st Cav    Series: Valentine's Day
   Date: 2/1967

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Reporter Frank Faulkner in the Saigon bureau of UPI in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

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Reporter Frank Faulkner in the Saigon bureau of UPI in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

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Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne takes pictures of street people in Saigon in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

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Freelance photographers Robert Hodierne (left) Frank Faulker take pictures of street people in Saigon in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

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Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right)and Newsweek reporter Paul Brinkley-Rogers take a break from the war.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

0809.jpg      • add to lightbox    
Newsweek reporter Paul Brinkley-Rogers (left), freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (center) and UPITVN photographer Ib Heller (right) take a break from the war.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /

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Frelance photographer Robert Hodierne (right) at an unknown Army base in Vietnam in 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /

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Freelance photographer Robert Hodierne (barely visible left), UPI reporter Frank Faulker (center) and a unknown soldier star out the door of a UH-1 Huey helicopter.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1966

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Stars & Stripes reporter/photographer Robert Hodierne (left) and freelance photographer Dana Stone at Duc Lap Special Forces camp in 1969.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1969

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Stars & Stripes reporter/photographer Robert Hodierne at the Duc Lap Special Forces camp in 1969. Photo by Dana Stone.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: /1969

0819.jpg      • add to lightbox    
News photographer Ib Heller at An Khe on Sept. 14, 1966.

 unknown / NA    Series: none
   Date: 9/1966

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